Training runs on nuclear and radioactive accidents awareness

2015-10-05 15:58:44

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Such as training took place from September 28 to October 2 with a participation of 24 professionals and officials from 14 organizations.

Co-organized by office of the Nuclear Energy Commission and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the training involved sraffers and officials from the General Headquarters of Mongolian Armed Forces (GHMAF), the General Customs Office, the General Agency for Specialized Inspection, the National Emergency Management Agency, the General Police Department, the Nuclear Physics Center at the Mongolian State University (MSU), and the 1st Central Hospital and other institutions. The trainees were given lessons about ion ray, nuclear and radioactive accidents and their consequences, biological impact of ray, protective clothes, ways of delivering information on radioactive accidents, transparency and communications, necessary measures, and state organization’s role. Practical lessons were conducted by experts from the JAEA.

The training has become important, for it greatly improved also knoweledge about preventing radioactive accidents, planning counter measures during such accidents, ensuring awareness, preparing human resources, and improving a correlation of state organizations, the organizers said. 

