Companies get authorized to import flour

2016-01-08 14:16:07

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Mongolia will import 40 thousand 300 tons of wheat flour in 2016.

In accordance with a related law, 65 companies have been given a right to import 25,800 tons of the highest sort of flour, 10,500 tons of the 1st sort of flour, 1,000 tons of 2nd sort and 300 tons of mixed flour this year.

Some small-sized entities of foods such as “Aleika” and “Oyeg” have been authorized to import 7,000 tons of flour each. The “Oyeg” company supplies imported wheat to 40 enterprises, while the “Aleika impex”--to 20 enterprisers.

The Mongolian Union of Food Producers and the Union of Flour Producers have complained that an extraordinary right has been given to a few companies. Responding to this, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture N.Ariunbold reported that an open selection has been carried out in accordance with related rules and law.

“These unions sound false news, so our Ministry has asked the Corruption Combating Agency to check whether the selection ran correctly,” he said.     

