Second “Friends of Canada” commemorative pin awarded

2017-08-09 13:24:06
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Embassy of Canada held a presentation ceremony to award the second Canada 150 commemorative pin today.

The second Mongolian recipient of the commemorative pin is A.Bilguun, Vice President in charge of Business Development at 'Erdene Resource Development Corp', a resource exploration company based in Canada.

On August 9, Ambassador of Canada to Mongolia H.E. Ed Jager presented the pin which was designed specifically for the 150th anniversary of Confederation of Canada, and is made using Ammolite, a gemstone found in the Rocky Mountains of North America.

Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to Canada G.Batsukh became the first recipient of the Canada 150 commemorative pin.

After graduating from Saint Mary’s University in Canada, A.Bilguun contributed significantly to the development of Mongolia’s economy and has been a leading employee at Erdene Resource Development Corp. As one of the leading example of the young generation, A.Bilguun is also the CEO of Mongolian Investment Banking Group (MIBG), a securities investment company.

Under the theme “Friends of Canada”, the Embassy of Canada in Mongolia is organizing a number of events throughout this year.