Traffic load decreases after restriction

2017-08-18 10:40:30
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Traffic Police Authority reported a two-day results of the decision on restricting traffic from Enkhtaivan Avenue, Zuun durvun zam to Baruun durvun zam.
Within the frames of this decision, seven intersections near School No.11, Tsetseg Center, Central Post Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mongolian National University of Education, Wrestling Palace and Zuun 4 zam have been restricted to turn left.
According to Lt. Colonel E.Erdenebat, Head of the Traffic Police Authority, the restriction increased accessibility of intersections and significantly reduced traffic load.

For instance, number of vehicles accessed Zuun durvun zam intersection was 6830 in an hour on August 14, which was 7400 on August 15. Changes in the rest of the intersections are listed below.
Intersections Number of vehicles accessed in one hour
August 14 August 15
Wrestling Palace 5900 6700
MNUE 5300 6370
Post Office 6900 7800
Central Post Office 3150 4200
Baruun durvun zam 5590 6900
In connection to the restriction, a total of 37 policemen have been deployed in 25 locations from 7AM to 9PM.