Detection dogs started detecting illegal trade of wild animals

2022-10-20 16:28:11

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. More than ten organizations, including the Integrated Training Center for the National Police Agency and Mongolian Armed Forces and the Search Dog Training Center of the Mongolian Customs General Administration, jointly organized the first conference of the detection dog sector on Wednesday, 19 Oct 2022.


Along with these two centers, the representatives of the General Authority for Border Protection, the State Special Protection Agency, the National Rescue Team of the National Emergency Management Agency, the General Intelligence Agency, the National Civil Aviation Center Security Service, the Ulaanbaatar Railway, military security, the Association of Mongolian Search Dog Owners, the “Institute for Occupational Standards and Human Development” NGO participated in the conference.


This conference aims to determine the duties and responsibilities and develop standards for government organizations with sniffer dogs. Funded by the conference’s main organizer, the Zoological Society of London in Mongolia organized workshops for organizations using detection dogs to patrol the entrances to the city and specially protected areas around the city to discover hidden items and products.


The organization also provided techniques and equipment worth MNT 55 million to the Search Dog Training Center of the Mongolian Customs General Administration, MNT 53 million to the Integrated Training Center for the National Police Agency and Mongolian Armed Forces, MNT 17 million to the National Rescue Team, and MNT 21 million to the Association of Mongolian Search Dog Owners. Moreover, it invited professional trainers from the United Kingdom and organized a training course, which was greatly appreciated by the dog handlers.


Thus, the Zoological Society of London in Mongolia has been supporting the strengthening of the detection dog sector in Mongolia, using search dogs to reduce the illegal hunting and trade of wild animals and for environmental protection.