Mongolian Companies Supply Cashmere to Chanel and Schneiders
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. The Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Light Industry informed that twelve new cashmere dehairing
plants were under construction. Thus, Mongolia will have 43 plants in total once
they start operating.
Mongolia produces 48 percent of the total raw cashmere in the
world. But only 10% of processed cashmere is dehaired and exported. Even though
the capacity to produce 6,017 tons of dehaired cashmere is installed in 40
plants, only 25% is being used.
According to the Government’s adjustment that requires hair
content in goat cashmere which is crossed the border for export and import must
not exceed 0.3%, only dehaired cashmere is allowed to export. As a result of
that, the export volume increased and Mongolian companies started to cooperate
with global TOP brands. For instance, 90% of dehaired cashmere is exported to
Italy and about 20 Mongolian enterprises launched cooperation with TOP brands,
such as "Loro Piana", "Falconeri", "Chanel", and "Schneider".
As of November 2022, the export volume of dehaired cashmere has
reached 809.1 tons, up 2.2 times compared with the same period of the previous
year. In addition, the average price for dehaired cashmere was USD 91.1 per kg
in 2021, while in 2022, it raised to USD 108.3.