University and college students to learn Mongolian script from upcoming academic year
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Government is implementing “National Mongolian Script Program III” in 2020-2024. Moreover, a working group in charge of ensuring implementation of the Law on Mongolian Language has been set up under the ordinance by the Prime Minister of Mongolia.
Currently, the traditional Mongolian script is taught from the 6th grade of general education schools. Within the framework of the National Mongolian Script Program III, the Cabinet has recently resolved that university and college students to learn the national script beginning from the upcoming academic year.
Specifically, the Mongolian script will be a compulsory subject in universities, colleges and vocational training centers. Further, amendments will be made to relevant regulations in directions of taking exam on Mongolian script from university and college students and confirm the exam result in bachelor diploma.
It is also planned to organize regional and national consultations on training quality of Mongolian script, methodological development and development issues of professional teachers as well as to reflect recommendations made at the consultations in further policy.