MP D.Tsogtbaatar receives EU top human rights prize

2021-08-10 09:09:40

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. Member of the State Great Hural D.Tsogtbaatar received European Union top human rights prize.

The prize was presented by the Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia Traian Laurentiu Hristea on August 5.

Member of the Parliament D.Tsogtbaatar have been working closely with the UN, EU as well as other international organizations to protect human rights. In particular, former Minister of Foreign Affairs D.Tsogtbaatar has established Human Rights Department after the incident of July 1, 2008. The Department which aims to study international standard for the protection of human rights and introduce it in Mongolia still continues its operation. Furthermore, the State Great Khural adopted the Law on Human Rights Defenders initiated by parliamentarian D.Tsogtbaatar. In accordance with the law, human rights defenders defined by the law, had their legal status guaranteed, alongside creating the opportunity to restore human rights.

During the award ceremony, D. Tsogtbaatar, Member of Parliament, said, “Although each country has its own culture and history, it has the same rules and regulations to protect human rights. In other words, what unites all countries in today's world is human rights. The main theme of the Constitution of Mongolia is the protection of human rights. Thus, all laws must be aimed at this and international cooperation is crucial for this.”

In turn, the Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia Traian Laurentiu Hristea said, “Under the Cooperation agreement between the EU and Mongolia, human rights issue is being focused highly. The Member of Parliament was awarded for organizing works, showing respect to human rights with the non-governmental organization and the National Human Rights Commission amid the challenging circumstances posed by the pandemic.”

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