The first bill on the legal status of whistleblowers to be submitted to Parliament

2021-11-03 17:24:45

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. At its regular meeting today, the Cabinet decided to submit the first-ever bill on the Legal Status of Whistleblowers to the parliament for consideration.

The Bill was formulated to create a legal enactment to protect whistleblowers, who criticized, reported and exposed activities of public and private entities, from any harassment and prevent them from becoming victims of crime and revenge. With five chapters and 22 articles, the Bill regulates the relations related to protect whistleblowers who reported for the sake of public interest, reward and prevent of any actions that may worsen their legal status.  

In connection with the Bill, some bills were drafted, including amendments to the Law on Witness and Victim Protection, Law on to the Criminal Code, and the Law on Infringement.


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