Over Eight Thousand Trees Planted in "Green Gate - Khovd"
SocietyKhovd aimag, March 30, 2023 /MONTSAME/. In the framework of the “One Billion Trees” National Campaign, Khovd aimag has initiated the “Green Gate” subprogram and planned to plant ten thousand trees along the roads to the Entry and Exit Gate of the Aimag Center.
Under the slogan of “Green Gate Welcomes Us,” Worldwide Fund for Nature and Tumen Modot Khaalga NGOs jointly started to plant trees in Khovd aimag. Currently, 8200 trees have been planted along a 2.8-mile paved road with the participation of the citizens of the aimag. Mostly aspen and elm have been planted. In 2023, two thousand trees will be planted in the area.
Experts from the Environmental Department and citizens of the Aimag are collaboratively taking care of and protecting the planted trees.
As a result of the Subprogram, Khovd aimag expects to have more green facilities and a healthier and livable environment.