UN Presents Three Main Strategic Priorities for Mongolia's Sustainable Development

2023-06-09 15:25:30

Ulaanbaatar, June 9, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The United Nations has presented three main strategic priorities to be implemented in Mongolia in the next five years during the National Workshop on Effective Governance for Sustainable Development in Mongolia, being held on June 7-13.


The first strategic priority is to improve human development and well-being in Mongolia. In this context, urban and rural citizens, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized, equally realize their full human potential and benefit from inclusive, rights-based, gender- and shock-responsive health and nutrition, education, social protection, WASH, and other services by 2027.


The second priority is to pay attention to the creation of green, inclusive, and sustainable growth. By 2027, the Mongolian economy will become more diversified, innovative, productive, inclusive, green, and geographically balanced enabling decent livelihoods, especially for women and youth, building 21st-century skills, and promoting low-carbon development. Communities and eco-systems in Mongolia will get more resilient to climate change with improved capacity for evidence-informed and gender-responsive sustainable natural resource and environmental management and disaster risk reduction.

The third priority is to focus on human-centered governance, rule of law, and human rights. By 2027, policy-making and implementation in Mongolia will become more gender-responsive, participatory, coherent, evidence-informed, and SDG-aligned; governance institutions at all levels will get transparent and accountable; and people, especially the marginalized groups, have access to justice and rule of law for the full realization of human rights.

J. Doljinsuren, the UN Development Coordination Officer, Strategic Planning and Team Leader clarified that the first part of the strategic priorities, which is to improve human development and well-being, should focus on 10 risk groups for Mongolia. These are children, women, the disabled, the unemployed, the poor in urban and rural areas, national minorities, the elderly, and minority groups, as she named them.

Mongolia strives to implement the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to achieve its "Vision 2050" program. It is possible to achieve target results by utilizing all possibilities and opportunities, correctly analyzing the situation, and conducting system analysis. Since the adoption of the SDGs in 2015, difficulties have arisen in their implementation due to the global pandemic, its subsequent negative consequences, and the international situation which led to a rethink of the goals. "Every country is to analyze its SDGs to determine which goals should be prioritized to get achievements and what will serve as accelerators for progress. In September, the country's leaders will make a national commitment, promising once again by determining accelerators of the country. The Ministry of Economy and Development will pay specific attention to determining the accelerator for Mongolia.


The document, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework was signed in May of last year by the Minister of Economic Development, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the UN Resident Coordinator. Government organizations and the United Nations have established a joint committee to implement the five-year strategies, and the results will be reported annually.