Helicopters and firefighting vehicles to be supplied from France

2020-02-20 11:11:29

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. At its regular meeting on February 19, the Cabinet discussed a draft loan agreement for the project ‘Establishment of a unit responsible for emergency air rescue operations at NEMA and distribution of helicopter and firefighting vehicles’ to be implemented within financial agreement between the governments of Mongolia and France, and deputed Finance Minister to sign the loan agreement.

Within the project, France will supply 42-special purpose vehicles, including vehicles for cold-weather firefighting, three Airbus EC-145 helicopters fully equipped for aeromedical and search-and-rescue missions, helicopter for flight training, flight simulator, helicopter hangar, fueling station. Moreover, a unit responsible for emergency air rescue operations will be established at the NEMA and 12 helicopter pilots, 12 mechanics and three emergency rescue doctors will go under training.

The project will be implemented with a 30-year soft loan of EUR 57.9 million financing from France with 10-year moratorium period and an annual interest rate of 0.08 percent. 

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