Environment Minister works at aimags affected by desertification
EnvironmentUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. As of currently, 76.9 percent of the total territory of Mongolia has been affected by desertification in varying degrees. In eight aimags, in particular, it has become a pressing issue. Thus, in the framework of measures being taken for reducing desertification, Minister of Environment and Tourism N.Urtnasan worked in Gobisumber aimag on August 14.
Nationwide assessment of desertification for 2020 showed that 95 percent of the territory of Gobisumber aimag have been affected by desertification.
To establish forest cover in the 25 hectares of land affected by desertification in the aimag’s Sumber soum, a financing of MNT 50 million was allocated in 2021. In the framework of reforestation measures, about 1,500 trees and bushes have been planted alongside installing irrigation equipment and setting up fences for protection.
The inter-soum forest unit of Gobisumber aimag was established in 2015, with 6 staff members. Trees and bushes have been planted at about 10 types of plains and fields this year. However, there are certain issues with carrying out operations due to the lack of funding and staff members as well as irrigation equipment, highlighted Head of the forest unit E.Shoovdor.
In turn, the Minister noted the progress in growing seedlings in the framework of measures being taken against desertification, and made the decision to have the corresponding funding allocated from the next year’s state budget in aims of resolving the issues.