Ministry of Economy and Development established

2022-01-12 14:46:32

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ At its meeting on January 6, the Cabinet approved the structure and strategy of the Ministry of Economy and Development and appointed Minister of Finance B.Javkhlan as its acting minister and Kh.Batjargal as acting state secretary.

Deputy Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat U.Byambasuren and other officials visited the National Development Agency to present the Cabinet’s decision.

Afterwards, Minister B.Javkhlan held a meeting with the employees of the now-dissolved National Development Agency and gave instructions, emphasizing that he was pleased to collaborate with NDA on development policy documents, particularly the New Revival Policy, as the Finance Minister and that it is fully possible for the Ministry of Economy and Development to begin its activities promptly as the NDA has been dissolved and its functions have been transferred to the new ministry at the Cabinet’s meeting. At the end of the meeting, he wished success to the ministry’s Acting State Secretary Kh.Batjargal and pledged support as the medium and long-term growth of the Mongolian economy depends on how aligned the two ministries will be.

The Ministry of Economy and Development has seven departments for Development Policy and Planning; Macroeconomic Policy and Planning; Integrated Regional, Industrial and Innovation Policy and Planning; Development Financing Policy and Planning; Investment Policy; Concessions and Public and Private Partnerships; and Integrated Trade and Economic Policy and Planning and eight divisions.  

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