Winterland Ice Festival-2024, the First Winter Tourist Event in 2024

2024-01-16 16:53:33

Ulaanbaatar, January 16 , 2024 /MONTSAME/. Governor’s Office of Arkhangai aimag hosted the annual “Winterland Ice Festival-2024” on January 13-14, 2024 with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry of Culture.

The Festival was the first winter tourist event in 2024 and various competitions, shows and fairs, including Ice Knuckle-Bone Shooting (Musun Shagai), the Ice Archery, the Bests in National Deel contest, and the "Khasar of the Steppe" a show of Mongol Bankhar Dogs, a fair of local products and art performances took place in the first straw bale stadium constructed by locals.

More than 30,000 people participated in this year’s ice festival, and it is estimated that about MNT 2 billion was earned in three days, which has a high impact on the local economy. Furthermore, it was the first time that about 400 archers took part in the Arkhangai aimag’s brand sport Ice Knuckle-Bone Shooting, while more than 90 archers tested their skills in “Ice Archery”. 

During the Ice Festival, a new service was introduced for tourists which was the stay in ordinary local families at a low price. In total, more than 100 families received more than 300 domestic and foreign tourists and increased their household income, while more than 8,000 people stayed in hotels, tourist and ger camps.

According to the Years to Visit Mongolia initiated by the Government of Mongolia, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism has developed a plan to regularize major winter and summer tourism events and to host new interesting events to attract foreign and domestic tourists. One of the events was “Winterland Ice Festival-2024”.

The Ministry also stated its plans to implement modern programs by combining traditional culture with technological solutions. The next event to be held in Arkhangai aimag will be the "Ice Fishing World Championship" in Ugii Lake on the 3rd of March.

Translated by Sainzaya Davaajamts



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