Exchange rate in statistics

2022-10-27 11:43:08

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. As announced by the Bank of Mongolia, the monthly average exchange rate of MNT against the USD  was MNT 3257.10 in September of this year. Thus, the USD exchange rate lowered against MNT by 71.38 within a month and decreased by 408.16 from the same period last year.


The monthly average exchange rate of MNT against the CNY reached MNT 463.90 in September of this year. The CNY exchange rate has increased against MNT by 4.47 within a month and lowered by MNT 22.70 from last year.


The National Statistics Committee reported that the monthly average exchange rate of MNT against the RUB announced by the Bank of Mongolia was MNT 54.48 in the same month, lowered by MNT 15.40 from the same period last year, and decreased by MNT 1.87 within a month.

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