Construction of Eco-District at the Sharkhad Sub-Center Begins

2024-06-19 11:17:19

Ulaanbaatar, June 19, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Construction work for green apartments to accommodate 152 households at the Sharkhad Sub Center has started as part of the “Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal” Project jointly implemented by the Governor’s Office of the Capital City of Mongolia, the Asian Development Bank, and the Climate Green Fund. 

To develop the Capital City from a single-centered to a multi-centered city, six sub-centers are being established and apartments are constructed in stages. These sub-centers will reduce traffic congestion by 40 percent and carbon emissions by 50 percent, allow citizens to receive public service in their neighborhood within 20-minute distance, and create new job places. Housing construction is underway in the sub-centers of Selbe, Bayankhoshuu, and Sharkhand.

With the commissioning of the eco-district at the Sharkhad sub-center, located in the 19th khoroo of Bayanzurh district, local inhabitants can exchange their fenced residences with apartment buildings, allowing land clearance of 600 properties in the ger districts.

Director of the Housing Policy Department of the Capital City of Mongolia G. Gankhuu commented, “Green apartments to house 977 households will be built as part of the eco-district planning based on the infrastructure of Sharkhad sub-center, of which, apartments for 338 households will be constructed in 2023-2025. The first stage of apartments accommodating 110 homes will be completed in the fourth quarter of this year. As the next stage of the project, four apartment blocks for 152 households and a trade and service center will be built on 1.8 hectares at the Sharkhad sub-center. A consortium of “Tamga Uul” and “Khangai Energy” LLCs has been chosen as contractors for the construction”.

The eco-districts to be built as part of the Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Project will have at least 40 percent green areas and landscapes that facilitate easy movement for pedestrians, bikes, and wheelchairs. Moreover, eco-friendly construction materials and technologies, for example, to reduce electricity and water consumption by 20 percent and minimize heat loss, are being used in the construction, reported the Media and Public Relations Department of the Governor’s Office of the Capital City of Mongolia.