Geres Country Director receives Arkhangai province's 'Honorable medal'

2021-10-18 09:05:51

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/  On September 16th Cemaaterr annual Project Steering Committee meeting took place. At the end of the meeting, the Arkhangai Vice Governor, Mr. Munkhbat V., surprised Ms. Beatriz Maroto Izquierdo, awarding her the Arkhangai province's 'Honorable Medal' for her contribution in the last four years to Geres work in the Aimag.

 In the words of the Vice Governor, Geres has done splendid work in the Aimag since 2012 developing the organic vegetable farming sector, working in the energy efficiency of the public buildings, and contributing to the fight against climate change in the province.

 Most concretely speaking, in the last four years, Geres built two passive solar greenhouses in a school, and a Hospital continued supporting female CSO farmers through the Impact project. And through the Cemaaterr project, built the first Energy Efficiency Shelter for victims of Domestic violence, did a participatory vulnerability risk assessment to climate change, an extensive awareness-raising about Climate Change campaign to the population, a baseline study about the energy efficiency of Arkhangai buildings, first 57 energy passport of public buildings in the province, and is now working in the improvement of the Local Energy Efficiency Action Plan and ready to implement insulation works in a kindergarten.

 With the imminent return to her home of Ms. Beatriz Maroto Izquierdo after four years working in Geres Mongolia, the Arkhangai Government didn't want to miss the opportunity to recognize her contribution. Ms. Beatriz Maroto Izquierdo, considerable touched by this act, thanked the Province Government for its recognition and support and wanted to share the award with her team and her predecessors for the great work done.

About Geres Mongolia INGO

Geres is an international NGO with expertise in energy and development, with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Africa, and Asia improving the living conditions of the poorest and fighting against the impacts of climate change. Geres has been present in Mongolia since 2010. Following the principles of Climate Solidarity, Geres Mongolia aims to improve the resiliency of the Mongolian population in the face of Climate change, promoting mitigation and adaptation interventions targeting a vulnerable population.


If you have additional media inquiries, please contact Tergel Erdenebayar Phone:  + (976) 95007392, Email:

