Radiant Dreams Exhibition: A Journey Through Childhood

2024-05-15 14:47:06

Ulaanbaatar, May 15, 2024 /MONTSAME/. To celebrate the opening of the new National Children's and Youth Theater after 27 years, the National Art Gallery of Mongolia displayed the "Radiant Dreams" Exhibition at the Theater on May 13, 2024.

Childhood, a fleeting time as pure and bright as crystal, is the shortest period of human life. Filled with wonder and joy, it is a time that leaves a lasting impression. Artists representing generations of Mongolian fine art have captured this essence through their unique painting styles and perspectives. These works are part of the Collection at the National Modern Art Gallery of Mongolia, and 20 of these pieces are now on display in the "Radiant Dreams" Exhibition.

E. Tumenjargal, the Honored Cultural Figure of Mongolia, Novelist, and Poet, once beautifully expressed, "If a train to childhood existed, everyone would undoubtedly want to board." So, this Exhibition allows children to cherish the preciousness of their age, a time that will never return, while simultaneously inviting adults to embark on a nostalgic journey through their childhood memories, however brief they may feel.

The "Radiant Dreams" Exhibition aims at reminding us, through its vibrant displays, of the preciousness of childhood. While children's dreams and aspirations are inherently innocent, the realities of today's world can sometimes overshadow that innocence. The Exhibition serves as a gentle nudge for adults to be mindful of the influences we present to children, protecting their bright world and fostering their hopes and dreams.

The Exhibition will be open until May 19, 2024.


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