Bayartsaikhan Nadmid becomes next president of Mongolbank

2016-07-21 11:04:17

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Request on resignation by the previous President of the Bank of Mongolia (BoM), the central bank, N.Zoljargal was approved by 88.5% of the parliament members on the July 20 plenary meeting, whereas the proposal on appointing N.Bayartsaikhan was backed with 95.1% approval.

N.Bayartsaikhan is a labor economist and political analyst, having graduated from the Irkutsk State University and the Moscow Academy of State Administration, and holds a doctor’s degree in economics. He received additional training in New Zealand and the USA in 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2010, in fields of finance and management.

In his career path, he worked as a professor at the Institute of Political Party between 1982 and 1989, member of the State Great Khural in 1992-2008, head of the Standing committee on Food and Agriculture in 1993-1995, head of the Standing committee on State structure in 2000-2004, Minister of Finance in 2006-2007, President of the Mongolian Association of Agricultural Cooperatives in 2002-2014 and worked as the chairman of the control council of the association since 2004. 

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