Ulaanbaatar Marathon kicks off amid rainy weather

2017-05-20 12:48:25
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Races of multiple distances kicked off at the 2017 Ulaanbaatar Marathon, the country’s biggest public sporting event, early morning on May 20, Saturday, a rainy and breezy day in the capital city.

Co-organized by the Mayor’s Office, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports, the Department of Tourism of the capital administration, the Mongolian National Olympics Committee and the Mongolian Ultra Marathon Federation, the annual marathon attracts about 30 thousand runners whose spirits weren’t disquieted by the apparently unpleasant weather.

In fact, some runners welcomed the breeze and the overcast sky. Kristofer Porter, English teacher at the Ulaanbaatar Elite International School ran his fourth marathon in Mongolia, and came 15th in 21K distance. “Last year, there were more people on the square which is probably because the weather was better”, he says.

“But it is a perfect running weather. You don’t want it to be too hot when you are running, and the rain makes it refreshing for you”, he comments.

The marathon is being organized in 5K, 10K, 21K and 42.1K distances, and the 5K marathon attracted the most number of runners. This year, the organizers are introducing a new category which is for families and people with disabilities.

On the sidelines of the marathon, art performances, fun competitions and bicyclists’ parade are attracting non-runners to the central square on this day.