Salary loan interest lowered for doctors and teachers

2017-05-22 14:56:46
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Doctors and teachers of state-owned medical institutions, schools and kindergartens now can get salary loan with 18 per cent interest rate and without additional fee, while general salary loan interest amounts to 21-23 per cent.

On May 19, Minister of Labor and Social Protection N.Nomtoibayar made a briefing on it, highlighting that the lower interest rate loan is applicable to 91.373 doctors and teachers. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and General Authority of Health and Social Insurance established a cooperation agreement with Khan Bank and State Bank on lowering the loan interest rate and annulling fee.
The loan applicant should satisfy requirements of having paid social insurance premiums for a minimum five years, including continual payment over the past 12 months and loan not exceeding 6 month salary of the applicant will be granted.  The parties of the agreement agreed on that if an applicant wants loan greater than 6 month salary, the bank would lend loan in accordance with its common regulation.