ADB provides USD100 million in emergency support to Mongolia
EconomyUlaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. On August 25, the Asian Development Bank has approved USD100
million in emergency support to the Government of Mongolia to help it weather
the impacts of severe economic shocks.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and continuing border
restrictions with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) due to COVID-19 have
caused substantial fiscal stress in Mongolia. In response, the government has
prepared a countercyclical development expenditure program (CDEP) to help poor
and vulnerable groups, ease inflationary pressure, and support macroeconomic
“This ADB loan will support government measures to stabilize
the economy,” said ADB Financial Sector Specialist for East Asia Peter
Rosenkranz. “The budget support provided through this countercyclical support
facility (CSF) loan will also provide fiscal space to continue with critical
economic structural reforms over the medium term.”
Mongolia is experiencing a widening current account deficit,
increased pressure on foreign exchange reserves, and rising external financing
needs. Rising food and fuel prices are eroding purchasing power and increasing
poverty. Inflation spiked to 16.1% nationwide as of June 2022, and was
particularly high for food and fuel.
With one in four people in Ulaanbaatar living below the
poverty line, rising costs are particularly challenging for the poor, who spend
an average of 43% of their total income on food, compared with 32% spent on
food by nonpoor households.
External shocks disproportionally affect poor and vulnerable
groups, including women and girls. Women are highly concentrated in lower wage
sectors such as services, food production, and wholesale and retail trade, which
have been most adversely affected by the pandemic because of mobility
restrictions. This program will reach 1.2 million children in 64% of the
country’s households through direct cash transfers.
“This ADB financing will help poor and vulnerable groups to
weather the difficulties caused by the external shocks,” said ADB East Asia
Department Director for Public Management, Financial Sector, and Regional
Cooperation Emma Fan. “The emergency support provided under the CSF will expand
social protection support to vulnerable households under CDEP until the end of
The program will support other key government measures
including 50% reimbursements of social security premium contributions for
lower-paid employees for the rest of 2022 and 8.5% salary increases for
lowest-earning public service employees (three-quarters of whom are women). It
will also provide about 16,000 new kindergarten spaces for young children in
poor areas.
ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive,
resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts
to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49
from the region.
Source: ADB