Official visit of Speaker of Canadian Senate starts

2022-10-10 11:47:29

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. At the invitation of Chairman of the State Great Khural G.Zandanshatar, Speaker of the Senate of Canada George J. Furey is paying an official visit to Mongolia on October 9-13.


Following the welcoming ceremony at the central square today, Chairman of the State Great Khural G.Zandanshatar and Speaker of the Senate of Canada George J. Furey paid their respect to the Statue of Chinggis Khaan. Then, Mr. George J. Furey signed the Book of Honored Guests at the State House.


After holding bilateral talks today with the Mongolian Speaker on the further expansion of Mongolia-Canada relations and cooperation, Speaker George J. Furey will pay a courtesy call on the Mongolian President and hold meetings with the Prime Minister and some Cabinet members.


The Canadian Speaker will also become acquainted with the operation of Oyu Tolgoi and visit a nomadic family.

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