Mongolia Introduces Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Cancer Treatment
Ulaanbaatar, February 10, 2025 /MONTSAME/. The National Oncology Center of Mongolia is introducing new and innovative technology and treatments to improve the accessibility of cancer treatment.
The Oncology Center began introducing stereotactic radiotherapy for the removal of tumors in livers and lungs in 2024. This reduces the duration and repetition of therapy. Previously, patients required treatment 25-30 times over a month, while the new precise radiotherapy can be completed in a week with 4-5 treatments.
Deputy Chief Operating Officer of the National Oncology Center Ts. Uranchimeg noted, “The effects of Stereotactic or targeted radiotherapy show after a minimum of 1-2 years. However, observations show the reduction of tumors. International studies indicate that Stereotactic radiotherapy is just as effective as surgery. We are planning to introduce this type of treatment for the brain and spinal cord, and preparing medical teams.”
Stereotactic radiotherapy can be done when the tumor is less than 5 centimeters in size or in the early stages of cancer. The National Oncology Center of Mongolia is seeking to include this treatment option in the Health Insurance discount.