Congress of Mongolists: Khuduu Aral was Rear Area of Great Mongol Empire

2023-08-11 19:45:18

Ulaanbaatar, August 11, 2023 /MONTSAME/ Khuduu Aral of Kherlen was a rear area, where Chinggis Khaan and his army stayed for a longer period of time, emphasizes Dr. Tsogtbaatar in his presentation on Khuduu Aral of Kherlen: Historical Facts and the Results of Archeological Research at the XII International Congress of Mongolists in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 

“Scholars agree that the A’urug or Aurug Palace surrounding area was a settlement for children (infants)and old people. Among 7600 monuments and archeological sites, located on the territory of Khentii aimag, one-sixth of them are situated at Khuduu Aral and its surrounding."

"The New Century Project has studied in detail over 1400 of them. We believe that the place was a rear area. There are a significant number of hidden burials and tombs located at the top of the mountains around Khuduu Aral. The graves, we consider as belonging to middle-class persons. The main findings associated with the period of the Great Mongol Empire, including a Deel garment, now called Khunnu Deel, which dates back to the XIII-XIV centuries was discovered at Khuduu Aral,“ emphasized Dr.Tsogtbaatar.

Khuduu Aral of Kherlen River and the surrounding cultural landscape covers most part of today’s Delgerkhaan soum of Khentii Aimag and lays between Kherlen River (from west and south), and Tsenkher River (from east) and covers over 100.000 hectare area. 

The archaeological site at Khuduu Aral and Surrounding Cultural Landscape was included in the Tentative lists of UNESCO World Heritage. "At Khuduu Aral Mongolian kings – Chinggis, Ugudei, Munkh, Esuntumur, and so on – took their thrones, and state affairs were negotiated and settled by the Supreme Counsel (Ikh Khuraldai). Also an outstanding historical and literary work the “Secret History of Mongols” was finished writing and the Eight Ceremonial White Gers (traditional Mongolian dwelling) stayed and worshipped until the 15th century.

All of these statements have been verified by written historical sources and archaeological materials and findings. The Ikh Aurug Ordo was initially a seasonal encampment but over time it grew and became a city. The palace was a dignified one from other palaces of Chingis Khaan and was controlled by Queen Burte of Chinggis Khaan. The word Aurug latter became Avarga.

The Ruins of Avarga cover approximately 60-hectare area that measures 1200m from west to east and 500m from north to south. There are the remains of a semi-circular earthen wall in the northern part."

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