Sales of Extractive Industries Increased by MNT 3.9 Trillion Compared to Last Year

2024-10-18 15:48:03

Ulaanbaatar, October 18, 2024 /MONTSAME/. According to the preliminary results, the production of mining and extractive industries of Mongolia reached MNT 17.1 trillion in the first nine months of 2024, an increase of MNT 1.9 trillion compared to the same period of the previous year. 


  • The production of bituminous coal and lignite increased by MNT 1.8 trillion,

  • The production of metal ore increased by MNT 154.1 billion. 

In the mining and extractive industries, the physical production volumes of copper concentrate (in metal content), silver concentrate, concentrated coal, lignite, iron ore, bituminous coal, zinc concentrate, fluorspar, and iron ore concentrate, increased by 5.0-44.5 percent compared to the same period in 2023. 

The increase of MNT 3.9 trillion in the sales of mining and extraction products compared to the same period of the previous year was driven by: 

  • An increase of MNT 3.1 trillion in the coal extraction sales,

  • An increase of MNT 909.6 billion in the metal ore extraction sales,

  • An increase of MNT 54.5 billion in the extraction sales of other minerals.

As of the first nine months of 2024, Mongolia has sold a total of MNT 27.6 trillion to the foreign market, of which MNT 26.9 trillion came from the mining and extraction industries. The composition of foreign sales of mining products was as follows:

  • 62.4 percent from coal extraction,

  • 33.3 percent from metal ore extraction,

  • 3.1 percent from oil extraction, 

  • 1.2 percent from other mineral extraction. 

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