Princess Khutulun being shown at Berlin Film Festival

Art & Culture
2022-02-15 17:28:02

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Princess Khutulun-In Search of the Golden Sutra film is being screened at 93rd Berlin Film Festival on February 11, 14, and 16. 


Based on a historical novel by writer B.Shuudertsetseg and directed by S.Baatarjav, the film shows Ogodei Khan’s grandson Kaidu’s daughter Princess Khutulun in a difficult search for the stolen heritage. The film shot in nine locations in four aimags of Mongolia started production two years ago, but had been in the works for five years.


Actress and model M.Tserendolgor, a graduate of the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts in Moscow, played the leading role of Princess Khutulun, who lived during Yuan Dynasty, in the film, featuring actor B.Battogtokh as her loved one, Abatai.  

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