Bulgan aimag hit by hailstones the size of tennis balls

2017-07-25 11:08:12
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ It has been reported last night that Khutag-Undur soum of Bulgan aimag was hit by hailstones as big as the size of ping pong balls. “As far as we know, no person or livestock was injured. The storm lasted for about 20 minutes, but, with much intensity”, said J.Batsukh, a senior official in charge of disaster prevention of Bulgan’s Emergency Department.

“Because most of Khutag-Undur’s territory is land-farming area, it might take its toll of the harvest. However, the amount of damage has not been calculated yet. The Emergency Commission of Bulgan will have a meeting today to estimate the damage caused by the storm”, he said. 
