Nationwide harvest completes with abundant yields
EconomyUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. This year, Mongolia has harvested a total of 571.1 thousand tons of crops. "This year the country has gotten the highest yield that have not been in the last 30 years. The high yield is likely due to the fact that 30 percent of the seeds were replaced by elite varieties for spring sowing, as well as favorable weather conditions. In previous years, about 280,000 tons of grain were harvested, while this autumn the agrarians managed to harvest the crop fully without losses. Also, we have abundant potato crop that can meet domestic demand,” said Z.Mendsaikhan, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, at the press briefing today, November 16.
Mongolia’s annual wheat demand is about 310 thousand tons.
This fall, the harvest has showed a high record of 542.7 thousand tons or more
than the demand. 38.3 thousand tons of oil plants and 118 thousand tons of
vegetables were harvested. Last year, the harvest of vegetables accounted for
about 47 percent of domestic needs, but this year it is expected to reach 60