Winners of 25th ‘Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia’ awarded

Art & Culture
2022-01-11 10:59:46

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. The annual national contest ‘Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia-2021’ was successfully organized by the MONTSAME National News Agency’s ‘Khumuun Bichig’ newspaper for the 25th year and selected its bests in seven categories. The awards ceremony was held yesterday at the Mongolian Fine Arts Gallery.

This year, some 1,500 participants sent their works in seven categories of the contest from all aimags of the country and districts except Bayan-Ulgii, Gobi-Altai aimags and the capital city's Bagakhangai district. Among all works, participants of Khuvsul, Tuv and Orkhon aimags sent the most works.

The oldest contestant was 99-year old S.Jigmedsuren from Sukhbaatar district оf Ulaanbaatar, whereas the youngest was B.Urantogos, a 1st grade pupil from the 57th secondary school of the capital city.

The contest’s most prestigious awards – the right to study at the National University of Mongolia and the Mongolian National University of Education with a scholarship – have been granted to four 12th grade pupils.

The Prime Minister of Mongolia has been presenting the prizes every year since 2000. However, this year, the Minister of Education and Science and the Minister of Culture attended the awards ceremony and handed the prizes over to the winners.

In his remarks delivered at the awards ceremony, Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan said, “As Mongolian traditional script is a guarantee of the national security of the Mongolian state and Mongolian intellectual immunity, I issued my first order after being appointed Minister of Education and Science to support the contest. I am delighted to inform you that the Government of Mongolia has resolved to provide all the necessary funding for the competition from this year on. I also would like to emphasize that we have a great responsibility to protect culture and history written in Mongolian traditional script as a cultural heritage of humankind and pass it down to next generations in the future”.

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