‘Mandala – Temple of Secret Tantra’ exhibition opens in Tartu
Art & Culture
Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. As a part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Estonia, a photo exhibition ‘Mandala – Temple of Secret Tantra’ was opened in Tartu, Estonia, on October 20.
The exhibition that will run until the 20th of next month is being jointly organized by Embassy of Mongolia accredited to Estonia, University of Tartu, Estonian Oriental Society and Festival Orient.
Non-Resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the Republic of Estonia T.Janabazar, and Rector of the University of Tartu Thomas Asser delivered opening speech at the exhibition,
The opening ceremony was attended by Mati Murd, Acting Director of the Asia-Pacific Division of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Leizi Karindi, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Estonia, Hannes Astok, Director of “E-Governance Academy” of Estonia and Mongolian researchers.