Land ownership license to be extended for 15 years

2017-02-06 14:20:01

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Land owners-individuals and enterprises in the capital city will get their license extended for 15 years from now on. The Capital city Land Department used to extend land ownership license for 5 years and Mayor of the capital and Governor of Ulaanbaatar city S.Batbold issued an ordinance to make extension term of land ownership license 15 years.

‘- State administration organizations should serve citizens and enterprises without bureaucracy. On the other hand, land is valuable capital to attract investment. Economy is in difficult situation nationwide and in this time citizens' intentions to build private house or enterprises to construct their factory, plant or office should be encouraged. This decision is essential for these purposes. The capital administration has developed and is implementing a ‘Complex measures for improvement of land management’ program to make issuance of land licenses for use and ownership transparent and corruption free ’ underlined mayor S.Batbold, announcing his ordinance during a press conference.

“- Online land ownership issuance will continue after solving some issues. For example prior, some uninhabitable area, including on the top of hill or spring head, have been issued for land ownership based on satellite images. New settlement areas are planned to be in Nalaikh, Baganuur and Bagakhangai districts, having access to water and electric supplies and paved road. In other six districts, there is no more land available for ownership. In the future, Ulaanbaatar will have a land exchange” he said.

In pursuance of the ordinance, citizen or enterprises whose license term expires will get 15 year extended license without any additional or special condition and criteria. However, officials warned that land ownership license holder citizens and enterprises, who have not paid taxes or have had no activity in the land would be imposed with legal responsibilities.
