Deposits in foreign currency decreased by 6.2 percent

2022-03-21 16:29:43

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. The National Statistics Office reported that at the end of February 2022, the time deposit in domestic currency amounted to MNT 14.3 trillion. It means that it has dropped by MNT 479.5 billion (3.2 percent) from the previous month but increased by MNT 67.9 trillion (0.5 percent) from the same period of the previous year.

In terms of the type of time deposit in domestic currency, 89.8 percent (MNT 12.8 trillion) was individuals’ deposits while 10.2 percent (MNT 1.5 trillion) was deposits of enterprises.

The time deposits in foreign currency amounted to MNT 4.2 trillion, increased by MNT 134.2 billion (3.3 percent) from the previous month and decreased by MNT 273.4 billion (6.2 percent) from the same period of the previous year.

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