BM holds FX auction

Daily Finance
2015-09-29 20:24:59

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On the foreign exchange auction on Tuesday, the Bank of Mongolia (BoM) received bid offers of USD 15.3 million in a rate between MNT 1,991.10-1,997.11 and bid offers of CNY 50.65 million in a rate between MNT 310.60-313.02 from local commercial banks.

The BoM sold USD 12.4 million in a closing rate of MNT 1,994.00 and CNY 21.0 million in a closing rate of MNT 311.51, respectively.

The same day, the BoM received MNT Swap agreement bid offer equivalent to USD 4.15 million and USD Swap agreement selling bid offer equivalent to USD 15.0 million from local commercial banks and the BoM accepted the offers.