International training held on fighting against corruption and money-laundering

2017-09-20 16:10:24
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Independent Authority Against  Corruption of Mongolia (IAAC) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are jointly organizing training on Fighting Against Corruption and Money Laundering at International and National level at the IAAC Public Center on September 20-21.

IAAC General Director Kh.Enkhjargal said in his opening remarks, "No country can solely exist at this time of rapid development and globalization. It is the same that one country solely cannot fight corruption completely. Therefore it is vital for anti-corruption body of any country to cooperate with relevant international organizations and counterparts of other countries, to regularly improve their professional skills, to study and learn from best practices”.
The training is covering issues on investigative techniques, getting information formally and informally, requests for legal assistance and cooperation directions with international, regional and national anti-corruption agencies.

"We believe that international cooperation is crucial for anti-corruption efforts. We have the opportunity to explore mutual experiences, exchange information, and expand our cooperation for these two days. "Practices and experiences of the Great Britain in the fight against serious fraud will be shared. Money laundering crime is very complicated and requires international as well as multiparty cooperation. Therefore this training is designed for prosecutors, anti-corruption body employees, police and officers of central bank” said OSCE economic adviser Roel Janssens.
The training is being conducted by experts from the Serious Fraud Office of the Great Britain and the Global Focal Point Network on Asset Recovery of INTERPOL.