Business Integrity Center opens

2021-05-25 16:42:07

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Launching ceremony of the strengthening business integrity project took place on May 21. The project will be co-implemented by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI), Transparency International Mongolia NGO and Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC and it will aim to strengthening business ethics and integrity in the long run in a way of providing support to projects and programs being realized within the National Anti-Corruption Program aimed at reducing corruption in the business environment.

The main project implementation unit will be the Business Integrity Center at the MNCCI, and the partners officially launched operation of the center by ratifying the project agreement.

"The MNCCI has launched the “Post-Covid Economic Recovery Great Reset” initiative to overcome the social, economic and business crisis in a short period of time to revive and intensify the economy. And I am glad at jointly implementing the strengthening business integrity project in partnership with Transparency International Mongolia NGO and Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC in this harsh time", said O.Amartuvshin, President of the MNCCI.

Business ethics has become a key principle to run successful business in the 21st century. Business ethics and transparency are Rio Tinto Group’s secret of running its business activities sustainably in 35 countries. We are happy to share our experiences with entrepreneurs on successful implementation of rules and regulations on business ethics, which becomes development phase and basic requirement for any business, underlined Kh.Amarjargal, Country Director of Rio Tinto Mongolia.

Furthermore, Head of the Prevention and Awareness Department of the Independent Authority Against Corruption D.Dulamsuren, Chair of Board of Directors of Transparency International Mongolia NGO L.Tur-Od, CEO O.Batbayar and delegates of international organizations that operate in this area and Embassies attended the event, openly sharing their views.  

The MNCCI will provide customer-centered, practice-based services to its member organizations, strengthening their awareness and knowledge on the risks of ethical ambiguity against corruption. And Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC will cover the cost of the first year of operation of the Business Integrity Center.

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