‘Mongolia Today’ photo exhibition on display

Art & Culture
2019-08-22 11:34:25

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The summary exhibition of photographers engaged in ‘Mongolia Today’ program coorganized by MONTSAME News Agency and the United Association of Mongolian Photographers opened on August 21 at the Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum.

Some 15 photo reporters of six countries namely Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Turkey and Mongolia went on photo tour through Mongolia between August 12 and 20. The team of photo reporters traveled 2500 km in route Ulaanbaatar-Khentii-Dornod, re-writing the history of national photography through their shots. They visited Tsonjin Boldog, 13th century complex, Khentii (the birthplace of Chinggis Khaan), Menen steppe, Buir lake and Khalkhgol soum, getting acquainted with the local people’s livelihoods and nature.

The program was organized for the second year with the aims to promote Mongolia's present image to the world and enhancing photo archives of international media agencies.

Photographers of international news agencies including TASS, Russia Today, Xinhua, Kyodo, Yonhap and Anadolu are presenting their works at the exhibition. 

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